How Genetic Testing Can Help Identify Inherited Conditions

How Genetic Testing Can Help Identify Inherited Conditions
Posted May 28, 2023

Our genetic makeup, inherited from our parents, plays a significant role in determining our physical traits, susceptibility to certain diseases, and response to treatments. Inherited conditions, also known as genetic disorders, are caused by abnormalities or mutations in our genes. Genetic testing is a powerful tool that allows us to analyze an individual's DNA and identify potential variations or mutations associated with specific conditions.

In this complete and informative blog post, we will delve into the fascinating world of genetic testing and its remarkable ability to identify inherited conditions. Understanding the power of testing can provide individuals with invaluable insights into their health, aid in early detection, and enable personalized treatment plans for better healthcare outcomes.

Understanding Genetic Testing

Genetic testing involves the analysis of an individual's DNA to identify changes in specific genes, chromosomes, or proteins. This process can provide valuable information about an individual's risk of developing certain conditions, assist in diagnosis, guide treatment decisions, and offer insights into family planning considerations.

Here's an overview of how genetic testing works.

Sample Collection

A small sample of DNA is collected from the individual through various methods, such as a blood sample, saliva swab, or buccal swab (swabbing the inside of the cheek). These samples are then sent to a specialized laboratory for analysis.

Sample collection is a crucial step in the genetic testing process as it provides the DNA needed for analysis. Depending on the type of genetic test being performed, different methods of sample collection may be employed. Let's explore some common techniques.

Maybe the most well known method of sample collection is by blood sample. These are commonly used in genetic testing. A healthcare professional will draw a small amount of blood from a vein in the arm using a needle and syringe. The blood sample is then transferred to specialized containers that preserve the DNA for analysis. These samples are particularly useful for tests that require a large amount of DNA or when testing for certain genetic conditions.

There’s also a saliva sample. This kind is a non-invasive and convenient method of sample collection. Individuals are provided with a collection kit containing a tube or a swab. They either spit into the tube or rub the swab along the inside of their cheek to collect cheek cells containing DNA. The collected sample is then sent to the laboratory for analysis. Saliva samples are commonly used for testing as they provide sufficient DNA for most tests and are easy to collect.

Similar to saliva samples, buccal swabs are collected by rubbing a cotton swab along the inside of the cheek. The swab collects a small number of cheek cells that contain DNA. Buccal swabs are simple to use, non-invasive, and provide an adequate amount of DNA for most tests. They are commonly used for genetic testing when blood samples are not feasible or preferred.

Less known is the Amniotic Fluid or Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS). In certain cases, prenatal genetic testing may be required to assess the genetic health of a developing fetus. These are two methods used for prenatal sample collection. Amniotic fluid is obtained through amniocentesis, a procedure in which a thin needle is inserted into the uterus to withdraw a small amount of the fluid surrounding the fetus. CVS involves obtaining a small tissue sample from the placenta. Both procedures carry a small risk of complications and are typically performed under the guidance of a specialist.

It's important to note that sample collection procedures should be performed by trained healthcare professionals or under their supervision to ensure accuracy and minimize any potential risks.

Laboratory Analysis

In the laboratory, scientists extract and analyze the DNA to identify genetic variations or mutations. Advanced technologies, such as DNA sequencing, are used to read the individual's genetic code and compare it to a reference sequence.

Results Interpretation

Once the analysis is complete, the laboratory generates a detailed report outlining any identified genetic variations or mutations. Genetic counselors or medical professionals then interpret these results, providing meaningful insights into an individual's risk of inherited conditions and guiding further actions.

Genetic testing offers numerous benefits in identifying inherited conditions, such as early detection and prevention; personalized Risk assessment, family planning and reproductive decisions or tailored treatment plans.

When it comes to early detection and prevention, testing is crucial because it can detect genetic variations or mutations associated with inherited conditions, even before symptoms manifest. Early detection allows for proactive measures, such as close monitoring, preventive interventions, or early treatment initiation, leading to improved health outcomes and potentially preventing the development or progression of the condition.

About personalized risk assesment, genetic testing enables it because it provides individuals and their healthcare providers with a comprehensive understanding of their genetic predispositions. This way, it empowers individuals to make informed decisions about their healthcare and lifestyle choices. For example, individuals at higher risk for certain conditions may choose to undergo more frequent screenings or adopt preventive measures to mitigate their risk.

Another important benefit is related to family planning and reproductive decisions. Genetic testing plays a vital role in this kind of critical choices. Couples with a known family history of genetic disorders can undergo testing to assess their risk of passing on the condition to their children. This information helps individuals make informed choices, such as preconception counseling, assisted reproductive techniques, or adoption, to ensure the health and well-being of future generations.

At last, tailored treatment plans are also benefits of the genetic testing. For individuals already diagnosed with an inherited condition, testing can guide treatment decisions. By identifying specific genetic variations or mutations, healthcare providers can develop personalized treatment plans that target the underlying cause of the condition. This approach can potentially lead to improved treatment outcomes, reduced adverse effects, and better management of the condition.


Genetic testing is revolutionizing healthcare by providing invaluable insights into our genetic makeup and its impact on inherited conditions. At BLDZ Diagnostics and Labs, we are committed to offering comprehensive testing services that help individuals identify their risk of genetic disorders and make informed decisions about their health.

If you have questions or would like to explore further, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at (254) 232-4122 or [email protected]. Our dedicated team of experts is here to assist you in harnessing the power of genetic testing for personalized healthcare. Remember, understanding your genetic profile can pave the way for a healthier future.

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